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Tips to create a successful gettie

Use these tips to help make your gettie as successful as possible.

Get a head start:
A gettie with a handful of people joined looks much more interesting than one without anyone joined yet. Try to get 5-10 people to join your gettie within the first day of posting it and before promoting it harder.

Use Gettie’s sharing abilities and share your gettie on all of your social media pages, invite your friends, and even ask your friends to help share it with you.

Add a great photo:
Having a photo for your gettie makes a huge difference on the chances of getting people to join. Make sure to have a strong attention-grabbing description and photo!

Keep momentum:
Every few days, post an update to the comments section of your gettie, send an email blast to your contributors, or set prices to go up after certain amounts of times in order to create urgency and build a buzz.

Remember your followers:
Keep in mind that whenever you post a public gettie, your followers will all be notified automatically about your posting. Additionally, everyone who joins your getties become automatic followers. So start racking them up and let the platform do some promoting for you!